Folder : tis-barco-clickshare/windows
Build Date : 2025-02-06 15:16:52
Started by :     autobuild
Builded Version :
TaskID : f6f4d651-3e3f-4b42-8b6d-d86d367319a0
Git Commit Hash : a9c1c5c297dc1fb88ce14fb0f256470736a8fc5b
Status : OK

VM List
Vm Name Result
LUTI update-package tis-barco-clickshare/windows win10x64 OK
LUTI install tis-barco-clickshare/windows win10x64 OK
LUTI install tis-barco-clickshare/windows win10x86 OK
LUTI install tis-barco-clickshare/windows win11fr OK

Filename Hash Result Detect List First uploader at virustotal
ClickShare_Installer.msi 8ef0fc8ed97dea032694bb626b9c5f1691467ca28079ab536c7c88138a3ff1d5 OK [] False

Conf Luti
Conf Value
do_update_package True
do_install True
do_remove True
do_session_setup True
do_audit True
do_upgrade False
upgrade_with_custom_operand_version None
build_package True
upload_to_store True
retention_time 5
upload_files_to_virustotal True
virustotal_exclusion_regex None
virustotal_hash_allowlist []
virustotal_bypass_antivirus_list []
wait_update_package_before_generating_vm True
update_package_dependencies []
force_template_update_package None
keywords_checklist ['clickshare desktop app']
run_with_psexec True
check_higher_version True
uninstallkey_timeout 120
preinstalled_package_list []
acceptable_audit_output -> OK
taskid_luti f6f4d651-3e3f-4b42-8b6d-d86d367319a0
commit a9c1c5c297dc1fb88ce14fb0f256470736a8fc5b
folder_in_git_repo tis-barco-clickshare/windows

Control File
Conf Value
package tis-barco-clickshare
architecture all
section base
priority optional
name ClickShare
categories Office
maintainer WAPT Team,Tranquil IT
description The ClickShare application brings a simple, highly intuitive user experience to the meeting room. Start your wireless video meeting or share content on the meeting room screen in seconds. Enter and connect automatically to the meeting room screen, camera, microphones, sound bars and any other audiovisual device. No cables, no worries.
maturity PROD
locale all
target_os windows
min_wapt_version 2.2
installed_size 4096
description_fr L'application ClickShare révolutionne l'expérience en salle de réunion en offrant une interface simple et très intuitive pour les réunions vidéo sans fil et le partage de contenu. Avec ClickShare, les utilisateurs peuvent se connecter et présenter en quelques secondes, améliorant ainsi la productivité et la collaboration.
description_pl Aplikacja ClickShare rewolucjonizuje doświadczenie w sali konferencyjnej, oferując prosty i bardzo intuicyjny interfejs do bezprzewodowych spotkań wideo i udostępniania treści. Dzięki ClickShare użytkownicy mogą natychmiast połączyć się i prezentować, zwiększając produktywność i współpracę.
description_de Die ClickShare-Anwendung revolutioniert das Meeting-Raum-Erlebnis durch eine einfache und hochintuitive Benutzeroberfläche für kabellose Videokonferenzen und die gemeinsame Nutzung von Inhalten. Mit ClickShare können Benutzer in Sekundenschnelle nahtlos verbinden und präsentieren, wodurch die Produktivität und Zusammenarbeit verbessert wird.
description_es La aplicación ClickShare revoluciona la experiencia en la sala de reuniones al ofrecer una interfaz simple e intuitiva para reuniones de video inalámbricas y compartir contenido. Con ClickShare, los usuarios pueden conectarse y presentar en segundos, mejorando la productividad y la colaboración.
description_pt O aplicativo ClickShare revoluciona a experiência da sala de reuniões, oferecendo uma interface simples e altamente intuitiva para reuniões de vídeo sem fio e compartilhamento de conteúdo. Com o ClickShare, os usuários podem se conectar e apresentar em segundos, melhorando a produtividade e a colaboração.
description_it L'applicazione ClickShare rivoluziona l'esperienza in sala riunioni offrendo un'interfaccia semplice e altamente intuitiva per riunioni video wireless e condivisione di contenuti. Con ClickShare, gli utenti possono connettersi e presentare in pochi secondi, migliorando la produttività e la collaborazione.
description_nl De ClickShare-app revolutioneert de vergaderervaring met een eenvoudige en zeer intuïtieve interface voor draadloze videoconferenties en het delen van inhoud. Met ClickShare kunnen gebruikers in enkele seconden naadloos verbinding maken en presenteren, wat de productiviteit en samenwerking verbetert.
description_ru Приложение ClickShare революционизирует опыт проведения совещаний, предлагая простой и интуитивно понятный интерфейс для беспроводных видеоконференций и обмена контентом. С ClickShare пользователи могут мгновенно подключаться и демонстрировать материалы, повышая производительность и сотрудничество.
editor Barco
keywords Wireless presentation, Meeting room technology, Video conferencing, Screen sharing, ClickShare app, Barco ClickShare, Intuitive meeting software, Wireless collaboration, Conference room solutions, Audiovisual integration, No cables presentation, Seamless meeting connection, Content sharing software, Office collaboration tools, Meeting productivity software
licence Barco ClickShare
min_os_version 10
icon_sha256sum a258e9ebb339ea4f2f3b8b411cf937bbae728d8873a9847ad57fc8c5dd50d271
signature None
filename None
size None
sourcespath /var/www/wapt-testing/working_luti_directory/tis-barco-clickshare/windows
localpath None