package |
tis-scite |
version |
5.5.5-2 |
architecture |
all |
section |
base |
priority |
optional |
name |
SciTE |
categories |
Office,Development |
maintainer |
WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Gaëtan SEGAT |
description |
SciTE is a free, open source, graphical text editor for Linux and Windows |
depends |
conflicts |
maturity |
locale |
all |
target_os |
Windows |
min_wapt_version |
2.0 |
sources | |
installed_size |
5038080 |
impacted_process |
SciTE |
description_fr |
SciTE est un éditeur de texte graphique, gratuit et open source fonctionnant sous les environnements Linux et Windows |
description_pl |
SciTE jest darmowym, otwartym, graficznym edytorem tekstu dla Linuksa i Windows |
description_de |
SciTE ist ein freier, quelloffener, grafischer Texteditor für Linux und Windows |
description_es |
SciTE es un editor de texto gráfico gratuito y de código abierto para Linux y Windows |
description_pt |
SciTE é um editor de texto gráfico, gratuito e de código aberto para Linux e Windows |
description_it |
SciTE è un editor di testo grafico gratuito e open source per Linux e Windows |
description_nl |
SciTE is een gratis, open source, grafische teksteditor voor Linux en Windows |
description_ru |
SciTE - это бесплатный графический текстовый редактор с открытым исходным кодом для Linux и Windows |
audit_schedule |
editor |
Neil Hodgson |
keywords |
licence |
Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer |
homepage | |
package_uuid |
valid_from |
valid_until |
forced_install_on |
changelog |
min_os_version |
max_os_version |
icon_sha256sum |
bdc61d80662944069586a88375b70c01b21d75f3bf4868a91d7e19025b94dd20 |
signer |
signer_fingerprint |
signature |
None |
signature_date |
signed_attributes |
filename |
None |
size |
None |
md5sum |
sourcespath |
/var/www/wapt-testing/working_luti_directory/tis-scite/windows |
repo |
localpath |
None |
repo_url |