Folder : tis-xmind/windows/x64
Build Date : 2024-11-07 11:44:53
Started by :     autobuild
Builded Version : MISSING
TaskID : b9db1151-e180-4ae0-983d-7012be48f7d6
Git Commit Hash : c6646ada096d14dc32c9b8d0e891cef27e350493
Status : ERROR

VM List
Vm Name Result
LUTI update-package tis-xmind/windows/x64 win10x64 ERROR
LUTI install tis-xmind/windows/x64 win10x64 ERROR
LUTI install tis-xmind/windows/x64 win11fr ERROR
LUTI upgrade tis-xmind/windows/x64 win10x64 ERROR
LUTI upgrade tis-xmind/windows/x64 win11fr ERROR

Conf Luti
Conf Value
do_update_package True
do_install True
do_remove True
do_session_setup True
do_audit True
do_upgrade True
upgrade_with_custom_operand_version None
build_package True
upload_to_store True
retention_time 5
upload_files_to_virustotal True
virustotal_exclusion_regex None
virustotal_hash_allowlist []
virustotal_bypass_antivirus_list []
wait_update_package_before_generating_vm True
update_package_dependencies []
force_template_update_package None
keywords_checklist []
run_with_psexec True
check_higher_version True
uninstallkey_timeout 120
preinstalled_package_list []
acceptable_audit_output -> OK
taskid_luti b9db1151-e180-4ae0-983d-7012be48f7d6
commit c6646ada096d14dc32c9b8d0e891cef27e350493
folder_in_git_repo tis-xmind/windows/x64

Control File
Conf Value
package tis-xmind
version 24.10.1101-18
architecture x64
section base
priority optional
name XMind
categories Office,Utilities
maintainer WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Jimmy PELÉ,Ingrid TALBOT
description XMind is a full-featured mind mapping and brainstorming tool, designed to generate ideas, inspire creativity, brings efficiency both in work and life
depends tis-7zip
maturity PROD
locale all
target_os windows
min_wapt_version 2.3
installed_size 445753736
impacted_process Xmind
description_fr XMind est un outil complet de cartographie mentale et de brainstorming, conçu pour générer des idées, inspirer la créativité et apporter de l'efficacité au travail et dans la vie
description_pl XMind jest w pełni funkcjonalnym narzędziem do tworzenia map myśli i burzy mózgów, zaprojektowanym do generowania pomysłów, inspirowania kreatywności, przynoszenia efektywności zarówno w pracy jak i w życiu
description_de XMind ist ein voll funktionsfähiges Mind Mapping- und Brainstorming-Tool, das Ideen generiert, die Kreativität anregt und sowohl im Beruf als auch im Privatleben Effizienz bringt
description_es XMind es una completa herramienta de mapeo mental y lluvia de ideas, diseñada para generar ideas, inspirar la creatividad y aportar eficiencia tanto en el trabajo como en la vida
description_pt XMind é uma ferramenta completa de mapeamento mental e brainstorming, concebida para gerar ideias, inspirar criatividade, traz eficiência tanto no trabalho como na vida
description_it XMind è uno strumento completo per la mappatura mentale e il brainstorming, progettato per generare idee, ispirare la creatività e portare efficienza sia nel lavoro che nella vita
description_nl XMind is een volledig mind mapping en brainstorming tool, ontworpen om ideeën te genereren, creativiteit te inspireren, en efficiëntie te brengen in zowel werk als leven
description_ru XMind - это полнофункциональный инструмент для составления карт мыслей и мозгового штурма, предназначенный для генерирования идей, вдохновения творчества, повышения эффективности в работе и жизни
editor XMind Ltd
keywords mind,mapping,brainstorming
licence proprietary_free,wapt_enterprise
min_os_version 10.0
signature None
filename None
size None
sourcespath /var/www/wapt-testing/working_luti_directory/tis-xmind/windows/x64
localpath None
persistent_dir None