Folder : tis-gnucash/windows
Build Date : 2023-03-27 19:45:42
Started by :     autobuild
Builded Version : 5.0
TaskID : 81c6fdcc-b409-4311-a8e4-ee52448268b8
Git Commit Hash : 0300b31bc9f3154657cf216a997318cc3765899e
Status : OK

VM List
Vm Name Result
LUTI update-package tis-gnucash/windows win7x64 OK
LUTI install tis-gnucash/windows win7x64 OK
LUTI install tis-gnucash/windows win7x86 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-gnucash/windows win7x64 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-gnucash/windows win7x86 OK
LUTI install tis-gnucash/windows win10x64 OK
LUTI install tis-gnucash/windows win10x86 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-gnucash/windows win10x64 OK
LUTI install tis-gnucash/windows win11fr OK
LUTI upgrade tis-gnucash/windows win11fr OK
LUTI upgrade tis-gnucash/windows win10x86 OK

Filename Hash Result Detect List First uploader at virustotal
gnucash-5.0.setup.exe d43353d1a13e83fbb0241a4dbf8dcaf40c0468613c7ab1f4d748dd96c6db6f90 OK [] False

Conf Luti
Conf Value
do_update_package True
do_install True
do_remove True
do_session_setup True
do_audit True
do_upgrade True
upgrade_with_custom_operand_version None
build_package True
upload_to_store True
retention_time 5
upload_files_to_virustotal True
virustotal_exclusion_regex None
virustotal_hash_allowlist []
virustotal_bypass_antivirus_list []
wait_update_package_before_generating_vm True
update_package_dependencies []
force_template_update_package None
keywords_checklist ['gnucash']
run_with_psexec False
check_higher_version True
uninstallkey_timeout 120
preinstalled_package_list []
acceptable_audit_output -> OK
taskid_luti 81c6fdcc-b409-4311-a8e4-ee52448268b8
commit 0300b31bc9f3154657cf216a997318cc3765899e
folder_in_git_repo tis-gnucash/windows

Control File
Conf Value
package tis-gnucash
version 5.0-0
architecture all
section base
priority optional
name GnuCash
categories Office,Utilities
maintainer Tranquil IT Systems,Jimmy PELÉ
description GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software. Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.
maturity PROD
locale all
target_os windows
min_wapt_version 2.0
installed_size 544362496
impacted_process gnucash.exe
description_fr GnuCash est un gestionnaire de finances personnelles. Conçu pour être simple d'utilisation, puissant et flexible, GnuCash vous permet de suivre l'évolution de vos comptes bancaires, portefeuilles d'actions, revenus et dépenses. Aussi rapide et intuitif à utiliser qu'un registre de compte papier, il est basé sur des principes de comptabilité professionnelle pour assurer l'équilibre des comptes et des rapports fiables.
description_pl GnuCash to oprogramowanie finansowo-księgowe dla osób prywatnych i małych firm. Zaprojektowany jako łatwy w użyciu, a jednocześnie potężny i elastyczny, GnuCash pozwala na śledzenie kont bankowych, akcji, przychodów i wydatków. Jest tak szybki i intuicyjny w użyciu jak rejestr książeczki czekowej, a jednocześnie opiera się na profesjonalnych zasadach księgowości, aby zapewnić zrównoważone księgi i dokładne raporty
description_de GnuCash ist eine Finanzverwaltung für Privatpersonen und kleine Unternehmen
description_es El GnuCash és un programa de comptabilitat financera personal i per a petita empresa gratuït
description_pt GnuCash é um software de contabilidade financeira pessoal e de pequenas empresas. Concebido para ser fácil de utilizar, mas potente e flexível, o GnuCash permite rastrear contas bancárias, stocks, receitas e despesas. Tão rápido e intuitivo de utilizar como um registo de livro de cheques, baseia-se em princípios contabilísticos profissionais para assegurar livros equilibrados e relatórios precisos
description_it GnuCash è un software di contabilità finanziaria per privati e piccole imprese. Progettato per essere facile da usare, ma potente e flessibile, GnuCash permette di tenere traccia di conti bancari, azioni, entrate e uscite. Rapido e intuitivo come un libretto degli assegni, si basa su principi contabili professionali per garantire libri contabili equilibrati e rapporti accurati
description_nl GnuCash is financiële boekhoudsoftware voor particulieren en kleine bedrijven. GnuCash is ontworpen om eenvoudig in gebruik te zijn, maar is toch krachtig en flexibel. Met GnuCash kunt u bankrekeningen, voorraden, inkomsten en uitgaven bijhouden. Net zo snel en intuïtief te gebruiken als een chequeboekje, is het gebaseerd op professionele boekhoudkundige principes om een evenwichtige boekhouding en nauwkeurige rapporten te garanderen
description_ru GnuCash - это финансово-бухгалтерское программное обеспечение для личного пользования и малого бизнеса. Разработанная для простоты использования, но мощная и гибкая, GnuCash позволяет отслеживать банковские счета, акции, доходы и расходы. Быстрая и интуитивно понятная в использовании, как чековая книжка, она основана на профессиональных принципах бухгалтерского учета для обеспечения сбалансированности книг и точных отчетов
editor GnuCash development team
keywords financial,accounting,account,accounts,bank,expenses,income,checkbook,register,reports
licence GPLv2
icon_sha256sum 881b395065cda6f19f43fe4aa898e93d04b4650788b8dcf933aade60710d640b
signature None
filename None
size None
sourcespath /opt/luti/integrationpackagetest/tis-gnucash/windows
localpath None
persistent_dir None