Folder : tis-brackets/windows
Build Date : 2023-11-24 11:28:16
Started by :     cbaziret
Builded Version : 2.2.1
TaskID : 814f0478-d401-451a-a5a1-6a48bb40b63b
Git Commit Hash : fc6d7015c240fa2fc97db429d873ecb0c952af90
Status : OK

VM List
Vm Name Result
LUTI update-package tis-brackets/windows win7x64 OK
LUTI install tis-brackets/windows win7x64 OK
LUTI install tis-brackets/windows win7x86 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-brackets/windows win7x64 OK
LUTI install tis-brackets/windows win10x64 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-brackets/windows win7x86 OK
LUTI install tis-brackets/windows win10x86 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-brackets/windows win10x64 OK
LUTI install tis-brackets/windows win11fr OK
LUTI upgrade tis-brackets/windows win10x86 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-brackets/windows win11fr OK

Filename Hash Result Detect List First uploader at virustotal
Brackets-2.2.1.exe a4a4a80f65ee2d8ec77ff4179ebcb940d63ee4f69d3f7de85d5b99df7b246890 OK [] False

Conf Luti
Conf Value
do_update_package True
do_install True
do_remove True
do_session_setup True
do_audit True
do_upgrade True
upgrade_with_custom_operand_version None
build_package True
upload_to_store True
retention_time 5
upload_files_to_virustotal True
virustotal_exclusion_regex None
virustotal_hash_allowlist []
virustotal_bypass_antivirus_list ['Rising']
wait_update_package_before_generating_vm True
update_package_dependencies []
force_template_update_package None
keywords_checklist ['brackets']
run_with_psexec False
check_higher_version True
uninstallkey_timeout 120
preinstalled_package_list []
acceptable_audit_output -> OK
taskid_luti 814f0478-d401-451a-a5a1-6a48bb40b63b
commit fc6d7015c240fa2fc97db429d873ecb0c952af90
folder_in_git_repo tis-brackets/windows

Control File
Conf Value
package tis-brackets
version 2.2.1-4
architecture all
section base
priority optional
name Brackets
categories Education
maintainer WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Clément BAZIRET
description Brackets is an open source editor for web design and development on web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project was created and is maintained by Adobe
maturity PROD
locale all
target_os windows
min_wapt_version 2.3
installed_size 234797012
impacted_process Brackets
description_fr Brackets est un éditeur open source pour la conception et le développement de sites web sur des technologies web telles que HTML, CSS et JavaScript. Le projet a été créé et est maintenu par Adobe
description_pl Brackets to edytor open source do projektowania i tworzenia stron internetowych w technologiach takich jak HTML, CSS i JavaScript. Projekt został stworzony i jest utrzymywany przez Adobe
description_de Brackets ist ein Open-Source-Editor für Web-Design und -Entwicklung mit Web-Technologien wie HTML, CSS und JavaScript. Das Projekt wurde von Adobe ins Leben gerufen und wird von Adobe gepflegt
description_es Brackets es un editor de código abierto para el diseño y desarrollo de páginas web con tecnologías como HTML, CSS y JavaScript. El proyecto fue creado y es mantenido por Adobe
description_pt O Brackets é um editor de código aberto para a conceção e desenvolvimento de tecnologias Web, como HTML, CSS e JavaScript. O projeto foi criado e é mantido pela Adobe
description_it Brackets è un editor open source per la progettazione e lo sviluppo di tecnologie web come HTML, CSS e JavaScript. Il progetto è stato creato e viene mantenuto da Adobe
description_nl Brackets is een open source editor voor webontwerp en -ontwikkeling op het gebied van webtechnologieën zoals HTML, CSS en JavaScript. Het project is gemaakt en wordt onderhouden door Adobe
description_ru Brackets - это редактор с открытым исходным кодом для веб-дизайна и разработки на основе таких веб-технологий, как HTML, CSS и JavaScript. Проект был создан и поддерживается компанией Adobe
keywords brackets,open,source,editor,web,design,development,html,css,javascript
licence cpe:/a:mit:x11_license,opensource_free,wapt_entreprise
icon_sha256sum 3fc4045b156844d2378621a579e4819475048b6c1ad6cd582a2bbe3a33b7c695
signature None
filename None
size None
sourcespath /var/www/wapt-testing/working_luti_directory/tis-brackets/windows
localpath None
persistent_dir None