package |
tis-mongodb-server-community-5 |
version | |
architecture |
x64 |
section |
base |
priority |
optional |
name |
MongoDB Server Community |
categories |
System and network |
maintainer |
Kevin Guerineau |
description |
MongoDB is a document-oriented database management system that can be distributed to any number of computers and does not require a predefined data schema. |
depends |
conflicts |
maturity |
locale |
all |
target_os |
debian-bullseye |
min_wapt_version |
2.2 |
sources |
installed_size |
impacted_process |
description_fr |
MongoDB est un système de gestion de base de données orienté documents, répartissable sur un nombre quelconque d'ordinateurs et ne nécessitant pas de schéma prédéfini des données. |
description_pl |
MongoDB to zorientowany na dokumenty system zarządzania bazą danych, który może być dystrybuowany do dowolnej liczby komputerów i nie wymaga predefiniowanego schematu danych. |
description_de |
MongoDB ist ein dokumentenorientiertes Datenbankverwaltungssystem, das auf beliebig vielen Computern verteilt werden kann und kein vordefiniertes Datenschema benötigt. |
description_es |
MongoDB es un sistema de gestión de bases de datos orientado a documentos que puede distribuirse a cualquier número de ordenadores y no requiere un esquema de datos predefinido. |
description_pt |
MongoDB é um sistema de gestão de bases de dados orientado para a documentação que pode ser distribuído para qualquer número de computadores e não requer um esquema de dados pré-definido. |
description_it |
MongoDB è un sistema di gestione di database orientato ai documenti che può essere distribuito su un numero qualsiasi di computer e non richiede uno schema di dati predefinito. |
description_nl |
MongoDB is een documentgeoriënteerd databasebeheersysteem dat op een willekeurig aantal computers kan worden gedistribueerd en geen vooraf gedefinieerd gegevensschema vereist. |
description_ru |
MongoDB - это документо-ориентированная система управления базами данных, которая может быть распространена на любом количестве компьютеров и не требует предопределенной схемы данных. |
audit_schedule |
editor |
MongoDB, Inc |
keywords |
licence |
AGPL3.0 |
homepage | |
package_uuid |
4f5d93b7-4931-454f-9536-f7914dfbdb97 |
valid_from |
valid_until |
forced_install_on |
changelog |
min_os_version |
max_os_version |
icon_sha256sum |
6c1229fda0b906acc164f55d1c3b9b221a60b7b009b795fcc9d2da85e1f25eb3 |
signer |
private |
signer_fingerprint |
04808bc6ba21e14856f2d508f512459aa2a2e588961217da028ed45e955291ba |
signature |
S9RPu4ODAeWdp9ZXUZzkp8JAR39XqfwN/SZVvWvMCDFfF5Mjg3m4FW9ZOGUn/a3uhrV2825FEtp0/pQWABXsNVXDU8vp3r9CvXnewq6eLmgIYgpe7XLc1gl0wgZxmnZ7ZA4Vbv02IyXZGBjEwYKd1XNMvK7gDv9O9Xb9A0FiJJXIu2zgFnMSXN5OzsWGsmLkcLC88OxPnQ8+7ydJsSx/++nJO/Wxztp2PBxqNscDJDxs5RUDRJkUp6ypE6QPtZendupdaERnad1epY8pYFO5GFIb2CjPlMqOSNS0hsgMuXoLYIgxpALAeyUbOiLxa6xB15lC+BNhfDuGOnIXtwc5xg== |
signature_date |
2023-04-14T14:18:31.916800 |
signed_attributes |
package,version,architecture,section,priority,name,categories,maintainer,description,depends,conflicts,maturity,locale,target_os,min_wapt_version,sources,installed_size,impacted_process,description_fr,description_pl,description_de,description_es,description_pt,description_it,description_nl,description_ru,audit_schedule,editor,keywords,licence,homepage,package_uuid,valid_from,valid_until,forced_install_on,changelog,min_os_version,max_os_version,icon_sha256sum,signer,signer_fingerprint,signature_date,signed_attributes |
filename |
None |
size |
None |
md5sum |
sourcespath |
/var/www/wapt-testing/working_luti_directory/tis-mongodb-server-community-5/debian_based/bullseye |
repo |
localpath |
None |
repo_url |