package |
tis-xnconvert |
version | |
architecture |
x64 |
section |
base |
priority |
optional |
name |
XnConvert |
categories |
Media |
maintainer |
WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Amel FRADJ |
description |
XnConvert is a powerful, free, cross-platform batch processor that lets you combine more than 80 actions |
depends |
conflicts |
maturity |
locale |
target_os |
windows |
min_wapt_version |
2.3 |
sources |
installed_size |
impacted_process |
xnconvert |
description_fr |
XnConvert est un puissant processeur d'images par lots multiplateforme gratuit, vous permettant de combiner plus de 80 actions |
description_pl |
XnConvert to potężny, darmowy, wieloplatformowy procesor obrazu, który pozwala łączyć ponad 80 działań |
description_de |
XnConvert ist ein leistungsstarker, plattformübergreifender, kostenloser Stapelbildprozessor, mit dem Sie über 80 Aktionen kombinieren können |
description_es |
XnConvert es un potente procesador de imágenes por lotes gratuito y multiplataforma que te permite combinar más de 80 acciones |
description_pt |
O XnConvert é um poderoso processador de imagens em lote gratuito e multiplataforma que permite combinar mais de 80 acções |
description_it |
XnConvert è un potente elaboratore di immagini in batch multipiattaforma gratuito che consente di combinare più di 80 azioni |
description_nl |
XnConvert is een krachtige gratis cross-platform batch-afbeeldingsprocessor waarmee je meer dan 80 acties kunt combineren |
description_ru |
XnConvert - мощный бесплатный кроссплатформенный пакетный процессор изображений, позволяющий объединять более 80 действий |
audit_schedule |
editor |
Pierre-e Gougelet |
keywords |
licence |
opensource_free,wapt_public |
homepage |
package_uuid |
valid_from |
valid_until |
forced_install_on |
changelog |
min_os_version |
max_os_version |
icon_sha256sum |
07e300b1dc5d89665f43190c4e69a2b652eb55ef69f4107b1fb8ae8b34d3c2a1 |
signer |
signer_fingerprint |
signature |
None |
signature_date |
signed_attributes |
filename |
None |
size |
None |
md5sum |
sourcespath |
/var/www/wapt-testing/working_luti_directory/tis-xnconvert/windows |
repo |
localpath |
None |
repo_url |