Folder : tis-geoplan-geospace/windows
Build Date : 2024-10-24 17:32:01
Started by :     cbaziret
Builded Version : 1.6
TaskID : e31a4985-c8f6-4594-bf57-dc044f8547c2
Git Commit Hash : 4e40ea1eecc5233090d20f78b8f1b90adc7fb982
Status : OK

VM List
Vm Name Result
LUTI update-package tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win10x64 OK
LUTI install tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win10x64 OK
LUTI install tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win10x86 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win10x64 OK
LUTI install tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win11fr OK
LUTI upgrade tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win10x86 OK
LUTI install tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win7x64 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win11fr OK
LUTI install tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win7x86 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win7x64 OK
LUTI upgrade tis-geoplan-geospace/windows win7x86 OK

Filename Hash Result Detect List First uploader at virustotal 621a3708c82c18e3c1e3ec5be43eec7ddf4fbdd4b4c366b8df1cb37ac54987c2 OK [] False

Conf Luti
Conf Value
do_update_package True
do_install True
do_remove True
do_session_setup True
do_audit True
do_upgrade True
upgrade_with_custom_operand_version None
build_package True
upload_to_store True
retention_time 5
upload_files_to_virustotal True
virustotal_exclusion_regex None
virustotal_hash_allowlist []
virustotal_bypass_antivirus_list []
wait_update_package_before_generating_vm True
update_package_dependencies []
force_template_update_package None
keywords_checklist []
run_with_psexec True
check_higher_version True
uninstallkey_timeout 120
preinstalled_package_list []
acceptable_audit_output -> OK
taskid_luti e31a4985-c8f6-4594-bf57-dc044f8547c2
commit 4e40ea1eecc5233090d20f78b8f1b90adc7fb982
folder_in_git_repo tis-geoplan-geospace/windows

Control File
Conf Value
package tis-geoplan-geospace
version 1.6-2
architecture all
section base
priority optional
name Geoplan-Geospace
categories Education
maintainer WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Pierre COSSON,Clément Baziret
description Geoplan-Geospace is the reunion of the two geometric construction softwares under Windows in the plane "Geoplan" and in the space "Geospace", to allow a greater interaction between the figures of the plane and the space
maturity PROD
locale all
target_os windows
min_wapt_version 2.3
installed_size 4460544
impacted_process GeoplanGeospace
description_fr Geoplan-Geospace est la réunion des deux logiciels de construction géométriques sous Windows dans le plan « Geoplan » et dans l'espace « Geospace », pour permettre une plus grande interaction entre les figures du plan et de l'espace
description_pl Geoplan-Geospace to połączenie dwóch programów do konstrukcji geometrycznych w systemie Windows na płaszczyźnie "Geoplan" i w przestrzeni "Geospace", aby umożliwić większą interakcję między figurami płaszczyzny i przestrzeni
description_de Geoplan-Geospace ist die Wiedervereinigung der beiden geometrischen Konstruktionssoftwares unter Windows in der Ebene "Geoplan" und im Raum "Geospace", um eine größere Interaktion zwischen den Figuren der Ebene und des Raumes zu ermöglichen
description_es Geoplan-Geospace es la reunión de los dos softwares de construcción geométrica bajo Windows en el plano "Geoplan" y en el espacio "Geospace", para permitir una mayor interacción entre las figuras del plano y del espacio
description_pt Geoplan-Geospace é a reunião dos dois softwares de construção geométrica em Windows no plano "Geoplan" e no espaço "Geospace", para permitir uma maior interação entre as figuras do plano e do espaço
description_it Geoplan-Geospace è la riunione dei due software di costruzione geometrica in ambiente Windows nel piano "Geoplan" e nello spazio "Geospace", per consentire una maggiore interazione tra le figure del piano e dello spazio
description_nl Geoplan-Geospace is de samenvoeging van de twee geometrische constructiesoftware onder Windows in het vlak "Geoplan" en in de ruimte "Geospace", om een grotere interactie tussen de figuren van het vlak en de ruimte mogelijk te maken
description_ru Geoplan-Geospace - это объединение двух программ для геометрического конструирования под Windows в плоскости "Geoplan" и в пространстве "Geospace", чтобы обеспечить большее взаимодействие между фигурами плоскости и пространства
keywords geoplan,geospace,geometric,softwares
licence proprietary_free,wapt_enterprise
icon_sha256sum c3170f572719f6a3600f10c19b5d3a82b9db0a7e27fdb456d400164664c9ae8b
signature None
filename None
size None
sourcespath /var/www/wapt-testing/working_luti_directory/tis-geoplan-geospace/windows
localpath None
persistent_dir None