Vm Name | Result |
LUTI update-package tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based bookwormx64 | OK |
LUTI install tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based bookwormx64 | OK |
LUTI install tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based bullseyex64 | OK |
LUTI upgrade tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based bookwormx64 | SKIP |
LUTI install tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based busterx64 | OK |
LUTI upgrade tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based bullseyex64 | SKIP |
LUTI install tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based stretchx64 | OK |
LUTI upgrade tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based busterx64 | SKIP |
LUTI install tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu24x64 | OK |
LUTI install tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu22x64 | OK |
LUTI upgrade tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based stretchx64 | SKIP |
LUTI upgrade tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu24x64 | SKIP |
LUTI install tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu20x64 | OK |
LUTI upgrade tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu22x64 | SKIP |
LUTI install tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu18x64 | OK |
LUTI upgrade tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu18x64 | SKIP |
LUTI upgrade tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu20x64 | SKIP |
LUTI install tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu16x64 | OK |
LUTI upgrade tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based ubuntu16x64 | SKIP |
Filename | Hash | Result | Detect List | First uploader at virustotal |
ripgrep_14.1.1-1_amd64.deb | 2f0c732ef166b4f7be7190d4012d60b3f8467bdd6f795c0598817bd2ac1706ae | OK | [] | False |
Conf | Value |
do_update_package | True |
do_install | True |
do_remove | True |
do_session_setup | True |
do_audit | True |
do_upgrade | True |
upgrade_with_custom_operand_version | None |
build_package | True |
upload_to_store | True |
retention_time | 5 |
upload_files_to_virustotal | True |
virustotal_exclusion_regex | None |
virustotal_hash_allowlist | [] |
virustotal_bypass_antivirus_list | ['VBA32'] |
wait_update_package_before_generating_vm | True |
update_package_dependencies | [] |
force_template_update_package | None |
keywords_checklist | [] |
run_with_psexec | True |
check_higher_version | True |
uninstallkey_timeout | 120 |
preinstalled_package_list | [] |
acceptable_audit_output | -> OK |
taskid_luti | a572dae1-0019-461c-b11b-5407d0b80dcd |
commit | a58a9a6ec96fa375b8129bcbeb65af4b0f2d9a55 |
folder_in_git_repo | tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based |
Conf | Value |
package | tis-ripgrep-portable |
version | 14.1.1-1 |
architecture | x64 |
section | base |
priority | optional |
name | RipGre |
categories | |
maintainer | Jordan ARNAUD |
description | rga is an online search tool that allows you to search for a regular expression in a multitude of file types |
depends | |
conflicts | |
maturity | PROD |
locale | |
target_os | debian_based |
min_wapt_version | |
sources | |
installed_size | |
impacted_process | |
description_fr | rga est un outil de recherche orienté ligne qui vous permet de rechercher une expression régulière dans une multitude de types de fichiers |
description_pl | rga to narzędzie do wyszukiwania online, które umożliwia wyszukiwanie wyrażeń regularnych w szerokiej gamie typów plików |
description_de | rga ist ein online-orientiertes Suchwerkzeug, mit dem Sie in einer Vielzahl von Dateitypen nach einem regulären Ausdruck suchen können |
description_es | rga es una herramienta de búsqueda en línea que le permite buscar una expresión regular en una amplia gama de tipos de archivo |
description_pt | O rga é uma ferramenta de pesquisa online que lhe permite procurar uma expressão regular numa vasta gama de tipos de ficheiros |
description_it | rga è uno strumento di ricerca online che consente di cercare un'espressione regolare in un'ampia gamma di tipi di file |
description_nl | rga is een online zoekprogramma waarmee je kunt zoeken naar een reguliere uitdrukking in een groot aantal bestandstypen |
description_ru | rga - это инструмент онлайн-поиска, позволяющий искать регулярные выражения в файлах самых разных типов |
audit_schedule | |
editor | |
keywords | |
licence | |
homepage | |
package_uuid | |
valid_from | |
valid_until | |
forced_install_on | |
changelog | |
min_os_version | |
max_os_version | |
icon_sha256sum | 5005ab036c49d4d00c52cfdb72c778f1f1324c3f767f98f94ed5eda9afd5a159 |
signer | |
signer_fingerprint | |
signature | None |
signature_date | |
signed_attributes | |
filename | None |
size | None |
md5sum | |
sourcespath | /var/www/wapt-testing/working_luti_directory/tis-ripgrep-portable/debian_based |
repo | |
localpath | None |
repo_url | |
persistent_dir | None |